Bubble Tea Franchise UK

Bubble tea, also known as boba tea, is a tantalizing blend of tea, milk, sweeteners, and chewy tapioca pearls. Originating in Taiwan, this delightful beverage has taken the world by storm. Becoming a part of a bubble tea franchise offers you a chance to tap into a market that’s expected to reach USD 4.3 billion by 2027.

Why Choose a Pearl Lemon Boba Tea Franchise?  

  • Proven Business Model: Our boba tea franchises come with a time-tested business model, minimizing risks for new entrepreneurs and bubble tea shops.
  • Brand Recognition: Leveraging a known brand helps attract customers who are already fans of these amazing milk teas.
  • Comprehensive Support: From training to marketing, Pearl Lemon Boba provides extensive support to ensure success.
bubble tea franchise
Bubble Tea franchise london

How to Start a Boba Franchise 

  • Research and Select a Franchise: Identify a brand that aligns with your values, budget, and market potential.
  • Secure Financing: Determine your budget and explore financing options if needed.
  • Complete Training: Attend training provided by the franchisor to learn about products, operations, and customer service.
  • Find a Location: Choose a high-traffic location that caters to your target audience.
  • Grand Opening: Plan a successful launch with the support of your franchisor’s marketing team.
Did you know Bubble Tea goes by some of the following names Mooboo Bubble Tea, milk teas, chewy tapioca balls, boba tea, fruit teas and even more names can be added to the list? The Bubble tea scene is thriving around the world, and in many world-class locations, you will now find bubble tea stores trading.
Being a boba tea franchise operator can be a lucrative venture and a great way to get inducted into the bubble tea business market with some guided assistance. Major cities now embrace milk tea shops and cafes, making boba the trendy and in-fashion tasty drink it is. Consider a pearl tea franchise for a successful launch with the support of your franchisor’s marketing team.

Top Reasons To Start Your Bubble Tea Franchise Today

Bubble Tea

In a very short space of time, Pearl Lemon Boba has grown from being an idea borne from a chance introduction to a beverage our founder Deepak Shukla had never tried before – and a desire to drink more frustrated by being unable to find it anywhere near him – to a successful London café and catering business that is not only a profitable venture but also a spot that has gained a loyal customer base that keeps growing.

Based on the response to our mail-order online offerings, which supply folks far from our Fulham location with the ingredients to make bubble tea at home, the desire to find great bubble tea near them is something that is gaining traction all over the UK.

We can’t, however, be everywhere. But other enterprising entrepreneurs can, which is why we are proud to announce the launch of our Pearl Lemon Boba bubble tea franchise opportunity, complete with boba milk tea training and a comprehensive CI bubble tea guide.

Why Bubble Tea?

Since the 1980s, boba tea has gained traction in Asian nations as both a tasty beverage and a full-on pop culture phenomenon. The drink, which is mostly targeted at young people, is now extremely popular in the UK, Australia, Europe, and the US. But what is it about bubble tea that has elevated it to icon status in the global food and drink scene, and makes opening a Pearl Lemon Boba bubble tea business such a well-worth considering opportunity?

Here are just some of the reasons why a bubble tea store is so hot (even when the drink itself isn’t).

Bubble Tea Flavors Boba Newbies, best bubble tea stores, bubble tea stores, bubble tea
Milk bubble tea with tapioca pearls in glass, gray background.

Milk Tea is Customizable

Not everyone’s cup of tea. An old idiom that has long meant that what one person finds cool/exciting/tasty etc. might just not excite another. That’s rarely true of boba tea though, as there are so many ways to customize it to create a beverage experience that’s unique while starting from the same basic base.

The Pearl Lemon Boba business model calls for a menu that offers a variety of flavors, toppings, colors, and even tea bases that draw in a wide base of customers and keep them coming back for more (and more) as they discover that they love the fact that one beverage choice can be consumed in so many different ways. If you’re wondering how to open a bubble tea shop, this versatility is key to creating a successful business. And if you’re searching for “bubble tea buy near me,” Pearl Lemon Boba is your go-to destination for a delightful and customizable boba tea experience.

Bubble Tea Really is a Unique Beverage Choice

It’s safe to argue that there isn’t any drink quite like fruit tea, which is essentially a wacky snack and beverage in one. While the fruit flavors are more akin to a refreshing iced tea, the milk beverages are delightfully creamy.

The distinctive flavor of boba tea is created by the sweet flavor of the tea combined with the mouthwatering toppings. The texture of beverages like iced coffee and juice is the same, but with bubble tea, the pearls provide a kind of “break” from the monotonous consistency.

Milk tea even offers visual appeal that very few other beverages match. Head to Pearl Lemon Boba – or open your own Pearl Lemon Boba franchise – and you’ll quickly see that most customers spend almost as much time snapping pictures of their bubble teas to share on Instagram as they do drinking it (which is an excellent way you can gain powerful word-of-mouth marketing, by the way, should you decide to ‘break into bubble tea’ with us). Wondering about the bubble tea franchise cost UK? We can provide all the details you need to get started.

boba tea instagram
Milk Boba Tea

Bubble Tea Can Be Healthy

If you use the appropriate ingredients and avoid adding too much sugar to your boba, it can be healthy for you. Boba drinks can contain delicious and healthy fresh fruit. Popping boba, made from fruit juice, adds an extra burst of flavor and nutrients to your drink, making it even more enjoyable and beneficial.. Many believe that tea, which is high in antioxidants and nutrients, can help with several health conditions, including:

Support Immune System Health

Black tea and green tea have been shown in many studies to help reduce inflammation and maintain a healthy immune system. Either choice is a common, and much loved, base for all kinds of bubble teas.

Increased Heart Health

Green tea has been found to boast a particularly high concentration of flavonoids, which can improve heart health by lowering harmful cholesterol and preventing blood clots. According to a number of other studies, this kind of tea can also lower cholesterol levels overall and blood pressure.

Skin Improvement and Refinements

Epigallocatechin gallate, which green tea is particularly high in, has been found in studies to help with the improvement and prevention of acne and greasy skin.

Preventing Cognitive Disorders L-theanine, an amino acid found in oolong tea, is known for its ability to stave off disorders of the brain like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. L-theanine can boost alertness and focus while reducing anxiety, according to scientific research. However, unlike energy drinks, which are often high in L-theanine too, bubble tea isn’t overloaded with caffeine and artificial ingredients that leave people jittery and anxious.

Pearl lemon boba

Bubble Tea Can Be Vegan, Gluten Free and Even Keto Friendly

Navigating dietary restrictions and preferences can be a real headache when you’re trying to find a drink that everyone can enjoy. This is where bubble tea comes in as a game-changer. Unlike traditional drinks that might not cater to everyone’s needs, bubble tea is super flexible. It means no one has to feel left out or stuck with limited options when hanging out with friends.

For example, while regular bubble tea usually includes cow’s milk, we’ve got everyone covered at Pearl Lemon Boba. Whether they are vegan, lactose intolerant, or just not into dairy, we can whip up a bubble tea that’s perfect for any customer. We’ve got loads of non-dairy milks and vegan swaps to choose from. And if they are not a fan of milk at all? No worries! We offer fruity bubble teas that ditch the milk but keep all the fun.

We’re all about making sure everyone can join in. That’s why all our toppings, including our iconic tapioca pearls, are dairy-free. Those pearls are just tapioca starch from the cassava root, so they’re good to go for everyone. And those popping bubbles? They’re vegan-friendly too, made with a mix of water, sugar, fruit juice, and plant-based alginic acid. So, at Pearl Lemon Boba, we make sure friends can all enjoy a great bubble tea together, no matter what their dietary needs are.

Joining the biggest bubble tea franchise or finding the cheapest bubble tea franchise can be a great business opportunity to bring this inclusive experience to even more people.

Why Become a Part Bubble Tea Franchise? What is the minimum investment?

So, you know that you want to get into the food service industry and open a cafe. But why choose to invest in a Pearl Lemon Boba franchise instead of starting your own unique business from scratch? Here are just some of the reasons it is often the far better option:

Spend less time getting started on your boba Business

Establishing a bubble tea franchise business differs from starting a business on your own in that the franchisor – that’s us in this case – intervenes to speed up the start-up phase by giving you a strategy and assisting you in making important decisions like choosing a location, hiring new employees, and publicizing the grand opening.

When you become a real fruit bubble tea franchisee with Pearl Lemon Boba, we will have a stake in the success of your company and will use our prior knowledge and experience of launching other businesses – and not just Pearl Lemon Boba either – to assist in the early stages of your venture.

Best Bubble Tea Flavours
Best Bubble Tea Places

Profit From Boba Brand Recognition.

Brand recognition and advertising clout are some of the franchise business owner’s most important advantages. You don’t have to spend as much time teaching your target market about what your company is all about by joining a developing or established franchise, like Pearl Lemon Boba that is respectable and respected.

We assist you in developing a successful marketing strategy and offer promotional materials in addition to launching national advertising campaigns to help your business succeed. And we do it better than lots of other franchisors as the Pearl Lemon Group of which we are a part also includes some of the most respected digital marketing, PR and SEO company operating in London today, and you’ll have instant and ongoing access to all of their talents and expertise!

Minimize Those Start Up business Risks

You are effectively investing in a tested business concept when you decide to launch a Pearl Lemon Boba franchise. We have a track record of success and offer knowledge, skills, and resources that can promote the growth of your new business and reduce costly errors.

Even though there is still risk involved in establishing any business, as your franchisor, Pearl Lemon Boba offers you a tried-and-true system for business success rather than leaving it up to you to figure out how to grow your company. This is why we are considered a top bubble tea franchise.

Pearl Lemon Boba
Taiwan milk tea with bubble on wood background

Benefit from Collective Buying Power.

By pooling your purchasing power with other franchisees to purchase the supplies and services required to run the company, you will be able to cut costs as a franchisee. Large buying groups, like a franchise, get big discounts from vendors, which is an advantage over small business owners.

Because the franchisor – that’s us again – has already utilized them for other businesses, it also saves time when looking for reputable vendors.

Ongoing Support

Many new business owners seriously underestimate the number of challenges they will encounter on a daily basis. As a Pearl Lemon Boba franchise owner, you get continuing help and support with customer satisfaction, purchasing and maintaining cutting-edge café technology, effective marketing strategies, hiring and managing staff, and the financial success of your company.

bubble tea supplier london uk
Pearl Lemon Boba

How To Become a Pearl Lemon Boba Franchisee.

The first step on the road to owning a Pearl Lemon Boba bubble tea franchise is very easy: talk to us.

Contact us and find out more about what it’s like to own a Pearl Lemon Boba franchise! Additionally, when you meet with us, you will have a chance to speak with our founder, Deepak Shukla, who will assist you every step of the way during this process.

In addition to business basics, we’ll talk about the outcomes you hope your personal and business goals will bring about and how a bubble tea franchise will fit into them. We will also talk about your timetable, selection criteria, price range for investments, financial requirements, and compatibility with Pearl Lemon Boba.

Our initial chat will also be a fantastic way for you to go over any queries or concerns you may have. We’re looking forward to talking to you, so why not take your first big step towards bubble tea franchise success and get in touch today?


To become a bubble tea franchisee, you typically need to find a franchisor looking to expand its business, submit a franchise application, and go through a selection process. If accepted, you will then need to pay an initial franchise fee and agree to the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement.

Starting a bubble tea franchise can vary depending on the franchisor. Still, it typically includes an initial franchise fee, ongoing royalties, and other expenses such as equipment, training, and advertising.

Bubble tea franchises offer a range of support to their franchisees, including training, marketing, and ongoing operational support.

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